Letting Go, Becoming Whole

from $85.00

Saturday – Sunday, January 21 – 22nd, 2023

In these times of increasing uncertainty in our world, and insecurity in our lives
The tendency can be to contract and try to increase the grip of control.

But it is only by softening, opening, and letting go that we come to know what
is truly holding and sustaining us, that mysterious “something”
that we may call Life/Spirit/ Grace/God.
In this retreat, we will focus on what needs to be let go of inside of us
old hurts and wounds, anger and resentments, fears and worries…
and in doing so come to open to trust that we are
always guided and held in our essential wholeness.
Come join us for a refreshing retreat Optional for one or two days. 
On the first day we will focus on what needs to be let go of and on
the second day we will be grounding and centering in our essential wholeness.

Cost: $85 for Saturday
$150 for both days (Sat and Sun)
Residential options available for $100 extra
Please contact 
rajyo@samasatisanctuary.org for more information

Just Saturday, or Full Weekend:
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Saturday – Sunday, January 21 – 22nd, 2023

In these times of increasing uncertainty in our world, and insecurity in our lives
The tendency can be to contract and try to increase the grip of control.

But it is only by softening, opening, and letting go that we come to know what
is truly holding and sustaining us, that mysterious “something”
that we may call Life/Spirit/ Grace/God.
In this retreat, we will focus on what needs to be let go of inside of us
old hurts and wounds, anger and resentments, fears and worries…
and in doing so come to open to trust that we are
always guided and held in our essential wholeness.
Come join us for a refreshing retreat Optional for one or two days. 
On the first day we will focus on what needs to be let go of and on
the second day we will be grounding and centering in our essential wholeness.

Cost: $85 for Saturday
$150 for both days (Sat and Sun)
Residential options available for $100 extra
Please contact 
rajyo@samasatisanctuary.org for more information

Saturday – Sunday, January 21 – 22nd, 2023

In these times of increasing uncertainty in our world, and insecurity in our lives
The tendency can be to contract and try to increase the grip of control.

But it is only by softening, opening, and letting go that we come to know what
is truly holding and sustaining us, that mysterious “something”
that we may call Life/Spirit/ Grace/God.
In this retreat, we will focus on what needs to be let go of inside of us
old hurts and wounds, anger and resentments, fears and worries…
and in doing so come to open to trust that we are
always guided and held in our essential wholeness.
Come join us for a refreshing retreat Optional for one or two days. 
On the first day we will focus on what needs to be let go of and on
the second day we will be grounding and centering in our essential wholeness.

Cost: $85 for Saturday
$150 for both days (Sat and Sun)
Residential options available for $100 extra
Please contact 
rajyo@samasatisanctuary.org for more information